Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Anders Christof Lybbert

Anders Christof was born Monday June 22, 2009 at 8:07 pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds 10.5 oz.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Where oh where is Daddy?

Last night we set up Bree's toddler bed. She stood in the hallway crying and would not come in the room with me. So after I put the other kids down I got her a sippy cup and took her in and laid her in her new bed with her stuffed puppy and covered her with a blanket. I turned off the light and shut the door. She cried for less than 5 Min's, and that was it. She stayed in her bed all night long. Then this morning the kids got up and were watching a cartoon before scripture study, and we hear Bree get up. Soon we here her calling out "Daaad" over and over again. I thought she was waiting in her room for dad to get her like every other day. So he walks into her room and it is empty. He turns around and she is kneeling by the bathroom door calling to him.
For some reason he doesn't understand why she would look for him there!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Do you ever have those days when you all the sudden think back to something that happened years ago and realise that you were waiting for it to happen? I have had a few of these times. Now some of this may sound way off, but let me just say that for me this is very real. When my husband and I were waiting for our first children, as we had found out early on that we were indeed expecting twins, we had many hopes and dreams for those two. I would think- if they are girls, I want them to have blue eyes and Grandpa Lybbert's hair. Not the RED from his childhood, but the soft strawberry-color that it now looked like. If they were boys, I could imagine these tough little versions of their Dad. But at about 11 weeks, things changed. I felt different, not physically, but in my head I heard a voice- a loving voice of a father. He told me I had done my part, I had created bodies for these two children. That they had a great mission, but not one on earth. I was crushed. I never said a word to my husband, I was still hoping for something. But everyday the same thing.
Me: Are you sure you need to take them home?
Heavenly Father: Yes, they have done everything that they can here.
Me: But are you sure?
HF: Yes, thank you for doing your part.
Me: But really?
At this point any sane parent would want to yell "yes I told you, now stop asking!" But every response was so full of love and caring. He knew that I needed to be reassured that them going was for the best. After one full week of this, when inside I felt at peace, they were taken from me. I still had a hard time, but the tears waited til the dark nights when I could cry alone. After some time I realized something else. I remembered hearing at some point that they were such special spirits that HF was protecting them from the evil in this world by only letting them stay here in the safety of my body. That was all they needed, the one thing they could not get in heaven, bodies.
About a year after they should have been born, we welcomed a son. When he was 10 months old his Dad was diagnosed with cancer. My first thought was how grateful I was to only have one child to worry about right then. I very well could have had twins and been expecting. That would have been so much harder. I remember thinking, wow He really does know what is best.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

This was my big project this summer.

Morgan Rex Lybbert
By Compiled by Heath...

I started it way back in April and had the finished copy by the miidle of July. But we found a typo and so I went in and fixed it and had it re-printed. I know it might not have mattered, but it did to me. Everytime I looked at it I felt horrible that I spelled a name wrong.
It was a lot of fun to see all the pictures of my father-in-law as a little guy. His school pictures were something else. It was fun to read what his brothers had to say about him, and I'm glad that I took on this project. It was worth the time.

The next one I'm working on is going to be "fairytale" style. It is going to be a special book done for the little girl my sister gave up for adoption. She is going to be turring 1 on October 31st! So a little shout out--- HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX! We love you, and are so glad to call you and your mom and dad a part of our extended family. Thanks Kerri for sharring her with us. You have a very special place in my heart.

Friday, August 22, 2008


The kids and I took a trip. We left at 2:30 am Thur the 7th and jumped on a plane and headed to Idaho to see Grandma Monson. The kids did okay on the plane, Kjersta being 2 1/2 years old, well she didn't understand why she had to stay sitting for sooo long. But we made it and had a ton of fun.

Playing on the Tramp at Grandma's new house.

Bree Ella playing at her Great Aunt Evelyn's house.

The girls together.

Kjersta at the Temple.

The Twin Falls Idaho Temple from my Aunt Evelyn's back yard.

Bree, Me ,and Aunt Evelyn

The kids at the Temple

Happy Birthday to Bree- a little early!

Grandma and Bree- Bree has on her new pj's from grandma.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Kjersta all dessed up.

I never got the chance to come back and add the picture of Kjersta before we went to the play, so I'm adding it now.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Kjersta and I went to see a play, Cinderella in fact. It was so much fun. We went with two little girls from church, they are just a little older than Kjersta, but they had fun together. They got to dress up and after the play have pictures taken with Cinderella. Kjersta was a little scared- so I ended up in the picture also, ugg. I can't wait for the picture to come in the mail! But I did take one of her before we left so I'll work on getting it loaded and add it after church. It was fun because while we were waiting to go in all the older ladies would come over and tell her she was such a beautiful princess. She is so shy she wouldn't say anything, which only made the little old ladies love her more. I hope she liked it. After we got out we went to Braum's for ice cream. Kjersta wanted to get a Sunday with M&M's on it. By the time we made it home it was after 11. But she came in and ran to daddy to show him the crown that Cinderella gave all the girls. She was so excited that I thought she would never go to sleep. But I got her in her pj's and she laid down with her brothers (she is refusing to sleep in the girls room) and was out like a light. I think that we need to do more mommy-Kjersta time, we spend so much time running around for the boys, and then Bree is aways needing me. But it was special to just be the two of us. Now if she would just learn to talk!