Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's snowing!

Yes there is something very special about the first snow of the year. No I am not saying that I am going to go build a snowman and hope he comes alive. It is more the excitment of the snow, watching it falling from the sky. Seeing it pilling up on the ground. If my digital camera wasn't in the shop I would take a picture and post it. It snowed all night but I think it might have stopped now. It does look like it is still snowing up on the mountian, I can't see through the clouds very well.
I love the way that the trees look brushed with white. The crisp air around and the clean smell in the air. I can remember as a kid hoping that it would snow so much that they would call off school. It didn't happen very often, in Idaho were I grew up the bus driver decided if we had school or not, and she wanted to be paid so she would not let out for anything. I think that the only time she had to was when they slid off the road and had to cancel for the safty of her buses. Okay so I might be a little hard on her, but really, it seemed that bad.
All in all I love the winter days, when I can stay in and drink hot cocoa. If I had some wood I would start a fire and turn off the heat. Then the kids and I could watch movies and eat popcorn and just lounge around. It's too darn bad that school was in, that means I have to go wait for the school bus in the cold. I wish that she would be on time today. Some days we wait for 10+ minutes. At least he loves the bus, I just hope that he is good today.

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