Monday, May 05, 2008


Yes I do know that I said that in all caps! I do love a good storm. The clouds get all dark and then the thunder starts to roll. Then the lightning strikes and the rain comes pooring down.

The only thing I don't care for is when the tornado sirens go off. I'm sure that I will get used to it at some point, but it gets my heart pumping, and when I'm at home alone with the kids, I hate it. I need my husband to be here to tell me that nothing bad is going to happen. He is my rock, my firm fondation. But then again, its hard to convince him that when the weather guys say that our county needs to take cover, he means it.

We are one of the few in our neighborhood that has a tornado shelter, unfortunatly it is full of water, and the occational snake. (I HATE SNAKES!) Said with more force than the opening title. So we don't go in the shelter, I would love to, and if we weren't renters I would do something about it. If we are living in this house next year, I think I will do something about it, and give the bill to the landlord. He's a great guy and I think he will gladly pay for the work to be done.

Why I'm I thinking about good ol Texas storms? Well I just came in from picking up toys as I could hear thunder off in the distance.

Come on storm! And make it good!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I love a good storm too. I love rain in general!