My growing up years included many days of Dad coming home with a cut or bloody something. I can remember when he worked for the dairy and dropped a very heavy pipe on his foot. His toes never were the same. In fact I think that he was quite lucky not to have lost them. Oh, you can't forget the time his head was smashed between the seat and some kind of pipe when he worked for the mill. I don't remember if he had to have stiches or not, but he once again was lucky to not have any worse damage. Then came the time that his Uncle G. came out and helped him top the trees in the yard. After the fact he said he was glad we got it done because he was having eye surgery done the next day because he couldn't see. Uh- thanks for the info Uncle G, but someone could have been hurt!! We still laugh about that one today. So, with the trees down Dad had to get them cut up into firewood. So out came the chainsaw and Dad got hard at work. My Aunt and her family came out and we had a clean up day, so while we were eating and playing games Dad was hard at work. I was outside playing in the yard when I heard the saw turn off, and I turned around to see Dad running to the house with his hands over his face. The saw had kicked back and cut into his face. Mom, Dad, and my Uncle J, headed to the Dr's office and Dad yelled out at me to go find his glasses. My Aunt and I watched them drive away and then she laughed and remarked,"oh, sure, leave the nurse home to babysit, and take the lawyer with you." We had a good laugh over that. I headed out to find his glasses, thinking that they would be broken. I found them and they were fine other than a small cut. Little did I know at that time that his glasses saved his life. The saw hit them and bounced off. If not for them, the saw would have continued through his face. After the Dr. stiched his nose back together, they came home and we only saw a small scare from it. It healed so well. It was strange that after he died and I stood there staring at his newly empty body, how much that little almost unseen scare stood out. It's interesting what you notice about someone's face, when they don't look back at you. I know that Dad broke bones as a kid and even then it almost couldn't slow him down. I remember thinking a few months before he died that a long death wouldn't be fitting to him. It was as if I was being prepared for what was to happen. After he died, I thought how perfect his death was for him. It was almost as if a work accident was his way to go. I believe if there is a "perfect" way for each of us to go- he got his.
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