Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stepping aside for a moment...

So this post is going to be different in that I'd like to step to the other side of my memories and post about my Mom. It's almost Mother's Day, and I think it might be time to share why she is so important in my life. For one thing she has always been a good example to me, she never gives up. She supported us kids in everything that we wanted to try. If it was important to us, she did what she could to make it happen. She taught us how to work, and that a job worth doing was worth doing well. When ever I left the house to go to which ever job I had at the time I always tried to do the best job- to go beyond what was required. That was just the way we were taught to be. She is very "crafty" and I loved when she would put together projects for us to do together. I loved making homemade things that she taught me. Sewing, quickly became something that I have never grown tired of. It's amazing what you can do with your hands when you put yourself into it. But the most important thing that I learned from to love. I always knew that my parents loved each other- they never fought in front of us, so IF they did we never knew about it. Mom comes to the rescue whenever we need help, and even now that we live apart I know that I can count on her to be just a phone call away. So for that and many more things--- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY- MOM!


Stacy said...

Moms are the BEST! Thanks for sharing who made you so great!

Rachelle said...

What a sweet post! Thanks for sharing. And how come I didn't know you had a blog?!?!?!